OptoGait - The modular system

In addition, if mounted on a treadmill, OptoGait also generates the data typical of the gait-analysis.

The single meter can be battery-operated (8 hours) or used with a net adapter.

  • Gait Tests can consist of simple exercises (moving from A to B), but also of more complex ones, such as ‘roundtrip’ or walking backwards. They can be more complex, if needed, adding obstacles (e.g. plastic cones) or actions to be carried out between the various gait phases (sitting down and getting up before coming back, for example) or simultaneously. Dual task and obstructive task walking, can be easily measured here.
  • Running Tests, just like gait tests, can be carried out either starting from a stand or running, to analyze the various phases, how the incremental weariness acts on the patient at each round installing the system on a track, measuring the time of a change of direction and the following acceleration, and so on... (see Run Report below)
Optogait - Il sistema modulare - Medical Rehab | Microgate

Thanks to the practical and innovative assembling system using caps, the modular system is assembled in a few minutes and does not require cables to connect the bars or further net adapters. The length goes from a minimum of 2 meters to a maximum of more than 100 meters.